Brasstown Creek, South Carolina Kings Creek Falls, SC Brook trout from Kings Creek, SC Brasstown Creek, SC East Fork Chatooga River, SC


DVD: How to Fly Fish with a Spinning Rod

DVD: Trout Streams of the Tetons

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DVD: Trout Streams of North Carolina, West

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DVD: Trout Streams of Southwest Wisconsin, North

How to Fly Fish with a Spinning Rod

Trout Streams of the Tetons

Trout Streams of Virginia

Trout Streams of North Carolina, West

Trout Streams of Michigan, U.P. West

Trout Streams of Southwest Wisconsin, North

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Fishing Videos of South Carolina

I will be returning to South Carolina in 2025 to fish and film more of their trout streams.

Brasstown Creek, South Carolina WATCH BRASSTOWN CREEK Brasstown Creek is probably better known for its set of scenic waterfalls than trout fishing. However, it is stocked with both fingerling and adult rainbow trout. After being stocked in the spring or fall it can get a good amount of fishing pressure and I'm not sure how long those trout last before being caught and kept.
Chatooga River, Georgia WATCH CHATOOGA RIVER The Chatooga River is one of the better trout streams of the southern Appalachian area. Forming the northern border of Georgia and South Carolina, it is a designated wild and scenic stream. I was fishing the area above Burrels Ford which has mostly wild brown trout. Below is hatchery supported and further below that area is delayed harvest.
Kings Creek, SC WATCH KINGS CREEK Kings Creek is a tributary of the Chattooga River in northeast South Carolina. While it is a trout stream it is best known for the 75 foot Kings Creek Falls which you see here. The easiest way to get there is to park at the Burrells Ford CG parking lot and hike about a mile to the stream. The stream is stocked with fingerling brown and rainbow trout. Wild brook trout exist above the waterfall. The trail ends at the waterfall. While the trail is always close to the stream it is a steep, difficult and brushy decent from the trail down to the stream.

Created by: Dan Coppersmith 2025|